Monday, January 23, 2017


25 Things That Should be in every Yearbook
A title
Where the school is located
Captions for pictures
High-quality pictures
A theme throughout the whole yearbook
Interesting fonts
Different sized fonts
Hardback cover
Space for notes and autographs
Readable text
All grammer correct
All students
Correct spelling of names

1. "I Am"
2. Stony point
3.  The whole yearbook is all about the kids after school lives.
4. I think there are about 7 sections.
5. My favorite spread is when the kids are explaining one of their favorite things they can't live without.
6. No, there is no spread.
7. Yes
8. No table of contents.
9. There are about 2,500 people going to Stony Point.
10. Round Rock, Texas

Monday, January 9, 2017

Phobia Project

A phobia is when you have a extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

The amount of phobias in this world is endless. The list below is a very small portion of them.

1)Agliophobia is the fear of pain.
2)Agyrophobia is the fear of streets or crossing the street.
3)Alektorophobia is the fear of chickens.
4)Botanophobia is the fear of plants.
5)Chaetophobia is the fear of hair.

I think the phobias that I could really show would be 2, 3, 4 and 5. They way to really show these things as like something that actually controls another human being would be to show thats its bigger. The object or the living thing is more superior and it has control. So for the fear of streets I could have someone being afraid of walking the street and have the person just have a worried look on there face. For the chicken photo I could go to the farm and take a picture of the chicken but at a lower level so that it looks a lot bigger than it actually is. For a fear  of plants ii could take a picture of a bunch of plants but I am picturing is being like unfocused and in black and white. For the fear of hair I think it would be great if I took a picture of a bunch of girls hair like blowing in the wind so it looks all crazy and it would take up the whole frame.