Friday, February 24, 2017


This article was about the use of maps and what’s going on in the latest map app and maps themselves. They talk about how Google Maps is the biggest hit in in the map world. Google Maps doesn’t have really any competition because people have been using it for awhile and a lot of people like it, and how it works. Also, it shows some of Google Maps things it can do. It explains how it can save different locations you have been to in you memory. Also, with that it explains why that is beneficial for that setting. Another one of its setting is that you can adjust if you are walking, biking or driving. That option of transportation is a big like, a lot of people enjoy that you can change that. When an average reader comes and looks at this article I think it would be very informative. This article is just filled with like fun facts and little things that no one would really know about. Also, in this article it is very informative because it shows little tips you can use, so if a reader was new to google maps this website would show different things it could do. Me personally I wouldn’t add this to my bookmarks just because I don’t use google maps. I don’t use google maps that much because I don;t drive. But when I am able to drive I think I will  use it a lot more, because I’m not too good with directions and like street names. I would though, recommend it to other people. Expectially my like grandparents because they always ask me for tips like that so I think it would help them.

I give this article a 4, because it was helpful and cool to know a little more about Google Maps but since I don’t use it, it wasn’t really needed for me to know. google-maps-direction-type
The reason why I put this photo because I thought this tip was cool and helpful. It is showing one of the things Google maps can do. Which you can say when you are leaving, or like what your plan is like it is showing in the picture. This is helpful because sometimes we aren’t driving right there, sometimes we aren’t driving there, there are different different cases where that can come in handy and useful. Also, there is always someone can use that would be helpful for them. So if this isn’t helpful to you then it probably is to someone else. And I think that’s why when creating or updating Google Maps they have to figure out what certain people would like. That’s why they have been around do long and are used the most. This isn’t the only tip or thing Google maps can do, but it’s just one of the things I thought I should include because it was helpful and cool to me.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Prompt Shoot #4



The End


Phobia Pictures

Ablutophobia is the fear of showering.

Agyrophobia is the fear of crossing the street. 

Scotophobia is the fear of the dark.