Monday, March 20, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch

Varsity cheerleaders prepare for national competition
Bowie's varsity cheerleaders attended their national competition on February 10th in Orlando, Florida. A tragic accident happened when on of their main flyers got injured but the team still moved on and had to preform without her. Cheerleading take a lot of hard work and is a really challenging sport. The important thing that the cheerleaders take with them is that competitions aren't all about winning, it's about the bonding experience.
Who?- Bowie's Varsity Cheerleaders
Where?- Orlando, Florida
When?- February 10th
Why?- For a cheer competition
How?- Completing a cheer routine
Who was quoted?- Tanya Zint
What was the strongest quote?- "I think it's also going to boost..." It appears to be at the middle end of the article.
Did the lead sentence make you want to read more? Yes!! Also because I think cheerleading is fun.

AISD begins search for principal to take on permanent position
The Austin Independent School District is currently looking for a new principal for Bowie High School. The process will take at least 3 months, but we are more than likely to have one by the end of this school year. The Board of Trustees are the ones to make a final decision about the principal. Applicants started screening on February 8th. In the process of making a final decision, parents do have a big role too because they want the best for their children. Most importantly, parents of students want their kids to have a very well educated principal.
Who?- Austin Independent School District
What?- Finding a permeant principal
Where?- Bowie High School in Austin, Texas.
When?- The end of the School Year.
Why?- Bowie currently doesn't have a permeant principal.
How?- The Austin Independent School District looks for qualified applicants and the final decisions are made by the AISD Board of Trustees.
Who was quoted in this story?- Brian Crow.
What quote was the  strongest?- "Community members will...." the sentence appears to be in the middle.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?- Yes, I did want to read more after the lead sentence.

Science fair rules on campus
The Bowie High School science fair took place on January 12th. Many students completed a science project, but not all entered into the science fair, although quite a few did enter. The projects are then presented to judges. The students who received a fair judgment from the judgment then moved on to regionals.
Who?- Science fair participants
What?- Bowie High School's Science Fair
Where?- Bowie School
When?- January 12th
Why ?- To show off students hard work
How?- Students had to create a project and present it
Who was quoted in this story?- Alex Paulson
What quote was the strongest?- "I've worked hard on this project......" Appears to be at the end of this article
Did the lead sentence make me want to read more?- The lead sentence didn't make we want to read the article so much.

Varsity cheer photo
The photo was taken on a very good scale. The photo has good lighting and the cheerleaders pop out. The main subject is the cheerleaders. The photo IS exposed properly. The photo has a medium depth of field because the football players are visible in the background.
Science fair photo number two
The picture is good because it reveals the full project board, the student and the judge. The lighting in this photo is good. The composition rule of this photo is the rule thirds. The main subject is the science project. The photo is exposed properly and has a depth of field.
Peaceful Protesters
I like this photo because it has a really appealing tone to it. The lighting is spot on. The composition rule is the rule of thirds and leading lined. The main subject in this photo is the man in the mask. The photo IS very well properly exposed. No evidence of depth of field because the phone doesn't go back very far.
Student gymnast photo number one
Photo has a lot of fun action going on. Good lighting but it could be a little darker. The composition rule is leading lines. The girl on the balance beam is the main subject. The photo would be better if it was exposed a little more. The depth of field shows as being deep.
Principal search
Good photo. it contains quite a few details. Tremendous lighting and everything in the picture stands out. The composition rule of this photo is the rule of balance. The interim principal is the main subject. Good exposure in this photo and the depth of field is deep.
Thoughts on the entire paper
My favorite photo was the gymnastics photo. The picture is my favorite because I think a back-hand spring on the beam is such a cool trick. The photo contains leading lines and depth of field.
My least favorite picture is the picture of the students in the Bulldog Speak Out and the very first science fair photo. They don't have very much "pop" to them and not very interesting.
I personally would like to do/ shoot gymnastics because there is constant motion and it is a very interesting sport. Gymnastics was the most interesting topic in this newspaper. 
I would rate this issue of The Lone Star Dispatch is a 5 out of 5 stars. I would rate the newspaper 5 stars because the photos are great and the text has good details. Some things that could be improved in this newspaper are the work on the photos and other minor things.

Intro to Newspaper Design

1.  The Press-Sun Bulletin was my favorite one.
2. The headlines weren't great, but one of the stories had a cool magazine feel to it and it was about police chases.
3. The favorite story was the one about police chases.
4. Most of the front pages had a main photo and the beginning of the story on the front page and had a dominate photo to go with it.
5. Most of the papers also had different layouts for their front pages. Some had their main story dominating the entire page while others had many different photos to spice things up.
The Lone Star dispatch looks like a legitimate newspaper. It follows the rules of newspaper design. It has simple and easy to read text. The photos mostly pair up nicely with the stories and captions and is overall a good paper.