Monday, October 31, 2016

Self Portrait and Portraits Part 1

1) Alter your perspective
2) Experiment with lighting
3) Shoot Candidly

I liked these photos because the bottom has a cool perspective. Also, the top I like the black and white also, the lighting in the background adds a lot. Both of pictures are like very real, and like sharp. 

I like both of these pictures because they are both in black and white and I think that adds a lot to the photos. Also, they both have so much emotion in them, like the bottom one she has tears coming down her cheeks.

These pictures were very simple but still looked very full of life. I really like the lighting on the bottom portrait, and is almost glowing. 

For my pictures I will want to pictures outside on like a bright day. Also, if I can find like cool simple background that will look cool, so it can be someone then leading lines in the background.  I will also want to take pictures of someone with like cool eyes because I think that adds a lot to the photos, like a cool touch to the photo. To make the shot successful, making sure the photo is focused will be a big deal, and making sure the lighting is good and there are no weird spots of dark places.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Rules of Photography II

Rule of Thirds

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines

Symmetry and Patterns







Thursday, October 20, 2016

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

       Some of the challenges I faced while taking picture as making sure I got Border and Near Merger, because  thought that concept was a little confusing. Also, I thought I was too limited to where I could take pictures. I wish we could go to different places.
       The technical aspects that I was most aware about was probably making sure my pictures were in focus. Also, I always tried to make sure that my camera was in the best position to make the picture look the best. For example, my picture of the bulldog I flipped the camera sideways just so I could mainly the bulldog as the subject. Along with the picture of the book I tried to get lower so i was more level with the book. Things I would do the same would be where I took my pictures because i really like how my pictures turned out in the end. Also I feel that I had many options and places of pictures to take.
when we take our next prompt of pictures I think the easiest rule to follow would be rule of thirds because that one I totally get and it is easy to make a picture follow that rule. The hardest is probably the border mergers because I don't get that one the best. That would be the rule I need to work on more and read and practice more about it.

1) His pictures turned out really well and all are in focus.
2) His pictures all were pretty different none of them were similar.
3) One thing he could improve is maybe flipping his camera just to get some different angles.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Photoshop Tutorial

Old                                                                   New


Photoshop Tutorial

Old                                                                   New


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks

After reading that in kind of made me sad. Even though I knew that animals like that were decreasing in population, it was a reminder. When it talk about like a zebra getting killed because a hungry family had nothing else to eat, I don't feel as bad, at least they have a somewhat understandable reason to kill an animal. But when you hear a zebra or something is getting killed for like a rug or for money it is really sad. When I saw the one photo of the lion I loved as soon as I saw it. You can tell the photographer really has an eye, and actually cares about the animals and is dedicated.
I really like this picture just first because I really love lions, I think they are so fascinating. But when you look at this picture you probably like its edited, has a lot of photoshop done on it. But its cool to know that it doesn't, Brandt waited so long for this perfect picture and it really did turn out perfect. In this picture rule of thirds is kind of in this, because the face of the lion is one of the points. I also think the rule is simplicity because you have this great photo with this huge lion but then the back is pretty plain, but the ground is still adding a lot to this photo.

I read that Nick Brandt uses a Cannon with a 85mm. This is important because he obviously picked a certain camera to get the picture like this. Brandt explained that he doesn't use a telophoto lens because he wants the picture to be balanced the background and the main point. He wants it just how you would see it if you were there. When he does this to his photos he is really trying to show Africa in its main/real form of Africa. 

"Animals. As I write about in the essay, “I Am The Walrus”, in the new book, the animals came first, photography second. Photography was merely the best medium for me to express my feelings about animals, and the natural world." Nick Brandt

  Abandoned Theme Parks

The theme park that I would like to visit the Okpo Land, South Korea. The reason why I would want to go to this theme park would be because first it is in South Korea and I want to visit there. Also, I want to go there because in the photos it looks very cool and almost haunted. In one of the photos, they seemed to have like haunted rides that I could get some really cool action shots. Also, if I brought my camera to this theme park their a lot of cool statues that I can imagine some cool pictures in black and white. 
 Other places I would want to take pictures of would be on like a mountain in somewhere cool because I have heard and seen really cool pictures of people mountain. Also, I would want to go to Hawaii to like an active volcano site to take some cool in the motion shots. Another cool place to take pictures under water because there is such cool wildlife and cool fish. Also, I would want to take pictures in the Africa of like lions, cheetahs and etc. 
My idea of taking pictures underwater has already started and has become pretty popular. 

I think it would be fun to photograph underwater because there are such cool wildlife and there are such bright colors and different environment for each fish has a different habitat. Also, the fish have such a wide variety of fish so each picture will be very different from each other. I have also always loved going to the beach and seeing just how many different types of shells there are. One time I went snorkeling in Hawaii and it was like the best experience ever because I didn't even go out that far and I saw so much wildlife and nature it was so beautiful. 

For me to go out and take pictures I would want to get a new camera, because even though I have my iphone I am always afraid that I will run out of storage. Also, I would be more motivated if I was to go to another country I would for sure take more pictures and put lots of effort into them because I would these pictures forever and to look back on. For all this to happen I would for sure need to get some more money because this would be pretty expensive. A new camera is very expensive along with traveling can get very expensive too. I think the places I would go to and take pictures wouldn't have laws, I wouldn't think, because they would be open to the public.   

Friday, October 14, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

1) When I am looking at a great black and white photographer, I choose Ansel Adams. When I look at his pictures he gets a lot of details and is very planned out I feel like. All his photos are different but very good. He gets the pictures to where each part of the photo has something going on in it.
I see many lines and the sky is very pretty. I see some wildlife but not much, so when I do see it it is appreciated. 
I smell dirt and almost like a crisp smell. Not too much of a smell because of how windy it is. 
I hear the wind blowing around me and birds chirps every once and awhile. I hear the clicking sound from the camera and the sound of it focusing. 
I taste nothing, my mouth is dry from the wind and being up high. My mouth kind of tastes a little like I have sand or dirt in my mouth. 
I feel carefree and content. Being up high and away from everything else makes me feel like there nothing to worry about. 
I see a mother who has done everything to provide for her family. She is hard working and would do anything for her family. Has been through a lot but still is going strong. 
I smell a little bit of BO and like dry street. I also smell maybe a fire in the back.  
I hear the sniffling of those kids, maybe crying because of hunger. I gear the sweet whispers of the mother comforting the kids. 
I taste like my mouth is watering a lot because of how hungry they are. I also taste the dryness of not drinking enough water. 
I feel sad that this is there life but at the same time proud and happy that this mother is helping and I still going strong, even though its so easy to give up then to keep going. 

3) To show people my photographer by having a bunch of his pictures just in a powerpoint then have some of the stories behind the photos, the one that are interesting. I will also have some background information on Ansel Adams.