Monday, December 19, 2016

Extra Credit for Final

1) The man in the tracks was pushed into the tracks and the person who took the picture was taking pictures using flash to try and warn the train to make it stop.
2) The photographer said he took the photo the warn the train with flash as he is running towards the man.
3) I think the photographer had good intentions to try and warn but I think there would be so much negativity about the photo that it might've been better if he didn't but it was a in the moment reaction.
4) I think the photographer did the best he could, because it says in the passage he tried running to the man as fast as he could but wasn't fast enough.
5) I don't think they should've posted this as the front page because it was a little controversial that the photographer didn't do anything, so it would've been better, I think, if they maybe said something in the news but not put it front page on the newspaper.
6) I think to stop bad things from happening because if you had enough time to save someone or something and you took a picture thats almost like murder, because you could've saved a living things life but you didn't.
7) It depends whats the situation is and how the photographer is putting himself or herself in the situation.
8) It depends what they are influencing if it is in a positive way then of course they should influence but if its in a negative way I don't think they should influence unless its to help out.
9) The photographer tried their best to help out that person and help the situation so I think the whole thing that happened on the photographers side was ok, and an appropriate response.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


1. The origins of deadline are uncertain. The earliest uses of deadline meant a line that did not move.
2. Missing today's deadline will drop my grade by having a missing in the grade book.
3. I feel like I always have issues with deadlines because they all seem to come a lot faster than i thought. 
4. I do think I miss deadlines a lot, kind of. Because I feel like I have so much homework in all my classes and I have soccer and basketball.
5. I didn't really feel like doing it and I was already behind on other work that I needed to do. Also, I feel like its a waste of time. 
6. Since I'm already late on this assignment theres nothing to do now.

1. This first suggestion which is make a to do list is the most efficient for me because I sometimes forget about some of my homework.
2. The toughest suggestion is to use my time wisely, like to not always go do things with friends and just do homework if I have a lot or don't go on my phone. Go home and start doing homework right away.
3. If I want anything to get done, I have to do it at night, because I won't wake up to do my work. 
4. I can dedicate my time in basketball to actually do work.
5. To eliminate distractions, I can turn my phone off, have a clean work space, and maybe work down stairs.

1. Yes, if you take control of your homework and do it fast and efficiently, then you have more free time.
2. My ideal setting for doing work would be at a desk and it be clean and have a computer to work on.
3. My biggest distractions is my phone.
4. I can turn off my phone, actually sit down at a desk and have a clean workspace.

5 Websites

Photography resolutions for 2016

 On this website I saw  a lot of different type of pictures. Like a lot of different rules being used. Also, saw a lot of tips and things just to remember when taking pictures and blogs. From this blog I learned about things you should do move of or less of. Like caring less on what you post o your blog, like post what you want. Have less doubts I your work. Also, it talked about when getting tips or advice take that as a good thing and give out good and useful information as well. This site related to photography because its all about goals you should make for yourself in the world of photography. Also, has a lot of different types of photos and rules. 

Photos everyone should know how to make

 I learned about different effects you can do and use on photos. Along with that I learned about how to change the depths of pictures, different ways to focus the photo. I can use this in class for sure. It gave me ideas on how change up photos. Like how I could make a simple photo into a more interesting photo by changing little things.

This website did not expand on a adobe program. It was more things on the camera you are using itself. Or different you could change, like physical things. 


      Timelapses can warp time. We can't tell how much our surroundings are changing until we see a video like this. Getting the perfect timelapse requires lots of planning. Finding your location can be done on google maps. How fast you want your video to be needs to be changed by how often your camera takes pictures and how fast you stitch the photos together. The time you start and stop recording is important. If you want a sunset shot be early so you have time to set-up!
Tutorial I learned that you should plan where your going to shoot in advanced and that calculating how how long you want your lapse to be is important.If we do timelapses in class I will know basics of how.This site relates to photography because timelapses are just lots of photos stitched together over time.

Tips for Portraits

On this website, I looked at seven detailed tips for portraits. Some of the tips were breaking the ice, bring the model out of their comfort zone, and get the subject to look away from the camera. My favorite tip was to get the subject to look away from the camera, because that way the photo is not ordinary like regular portraits. I learned that negative space is a term used for leaving space around the subject. I chose this photograph because it was the only one on the website, but I still think it is interesting. The rule in this photo is the rule of thirds, because the berry is in the top right of the picture. Rajib Mukherjee took this photo.

Killer Time-lapse

 On this website, I learned about this guy named Joe Carpa. Carpa does time-lapse photography and is asked by various companies to shoot time-lapses for them. I learned about the process of making an edit and finding the right location for a shoot. Time-lapse photography is something that really interests me and I would love to get a powerful camera to shoot time-lapses one day.  I learned about the importance of music choice while making an edit.Time-lapses are a business I could potentially tap into when I grow up. Any job relating to photography, video creation and editing, and other fields with similar objectives I'm pretty interested in.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Local Austin Photographer

Lyndsay Stradtner is a Austin based photographer that takes a wide variety of pictures but mostly likes taking pictures on people. When looking through her pictures she had a lot of baby pictures. Her pictures are very simple but beautiful. The lighting in all her pictures are really good and they are all focused very well. Also, when looking at her pictures of like babies most of her pictures were pretty unique. One of them the baby's position was very different. She lives in Austin and mostly does pictures there but she does do cities around her, like round Rock, Leander, and etc. Her photography is called, "Life in Motion." She lives in Austin with her husband, Jason, and their four kids: Ty, Taryn, Jonah and Jude. Along with her business of taking pictures of babies, she also teaches people on taking pictures. She goes world-wide and explains key things to look for and to do when taking a picture. She does this through a program called, "The Birth Experience." Lyndsay has a lot of credit for her work, and is awarded for a lot of it. She has been featured in a lot of articles and talk shows, consisting of The Today Show, ABC and more.

All of these pictures are very simply and focused, but are so unique. Most of her pictures the subject takes up the whole frame. I really like these photos because they are very different even though they are every simple.

Mural Project

My groups theme is colors. I took pictures of black and white things.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Funny Captions

Martha Ruby plays her accordion and smiles while she still has teeth, on Sunday afternoon, October 14th,on her property in Virginia to raise money for her neighboring Elementary schools.Martha has been playing the accordion since the stone age, and is always finding ways to raise money for the kids,giving her an excuse to pinch their cheeks.

On October 27, Nancy Jane pulls up to the Wendys drive through for the third time that day. Nancy was diagnosed with altzeimers  earlier that year and went back several times that day to order the same thing.

Grandpa Alfred is watching his cake burn up in flames at his 96 years old party that his children put together.  He never likes having birthday parties because they always turn out really bad for him.

Great Black and White Photographers II

Image result for ansel adams childhood
The photographer that took this photo was Ansel Adams, when I was looking through his photos I really liked all of them. Adams was born February 20, 1902 in Western Addition, San Francisco. Than he went to Yale University. Most of his pictures were at Yosemite National Park to try and preserve the park with his beautiful pictures. Ansel grew up being and only child and his parents went through some hard times, and they were older so it changed a lot of things on how Ansel look at things and went about at life. At a very young age Ansel found a strong love to nature. He would most of his days out hiking and walking around in the dunes and mountains and etc. Around 1927 was when he really started to pick up a camera. As soon as he did he instantly fell in love. As his photography career went on he won many awards and was recognized for his photos. Ansel Adams died in Monterey, California on April 22, 1984.

Image result for ansel adamsImage result for ansel adams

Monday, November 7, 2016

Blog #3- My Favorite Cover

I choose this cover because I thought it looked cool. All of them were different but like similar in some ways, and I thought this one was the most different out of all of them. I thought it was the most different because it was a man but half of I'm had makeup on, it is very bright, bold makeup too. I also really liked the little factors that they put into it. For example the light grey background goes with his hair. Also, it seemed like it was going to be a natural, raw picture like he has no shirt on and stuff like that but then it has this bright makeup done. Also, I like how the font is white and big. It looks cool on top of his hair. Also, I like how all the words and writing is only on one side of cover. 

Blog Post #2- Best Magazine Covers of 2013

1) Formal
2) Informal
3) Environmental
4) Not portrait
5) Not portrait
6) Informal
7) Environmental
8) Informal
9) Formal
10) Formal
11) Formal
12) Formal
13) Formal
14) Formal
15) Formal
16) Formal
17) Informal

Blog Post #1 Magazine Tips

1) Make the image irresistible, so the reader will want to pick the magazine up.
2) When designing the cover make it easy to read, scan.
3) Make the magazine worth the time and money, don't put stuff on there no one wants to read or look at.
4) When editing the cover don't make things look too small/big, make sure you edit things wisely. 
5)Before creating your own magazine look up other successful magazines and see what they did. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

American Solider

A) One of the most powerful photos from the article would be the one saying, "Enlisting in the Army. Redefining His Life." I thought this photo was moving and powerful because you can see on his face, how he is really thinking hard about joining the army, doing something that is life changing.

B) All these photos show the life of being a solider. It shoes like them laying on cheap beds to on the dirt. All the photos have the soldiers and their individual faces.

C) The captions add a lot to the photo. Like for the picture I choose it really explains the photo better, like if you were to look at the picture you could just think that he got a call saying someone he knew maybe died.

D) Ian Fisher seems to be kid who had it hard and really wanted to be a soldier because of some reason, but when he graduated and figured out he could it was super happy and excited.

E) For the passage it was written mostly in past tense.

1. The captions are usually 1-2 sentences.
2. The first sentence is usually like the main information like; who, what, when, where
5. Yes, most of the captions have quotations.
6. Yes, there was like one caption that had four sentences.

G) I think it is possible to tell a complete story with pictures and captions, because you can tell al the information in the captions. The only thing that you would be missing is like the going into detail, every detail in the story.

H) You should write a story because than you can go into detail. With just captions and photos you might not get all the quotes either, if there are more than just one. Also, if there are other people in the story might not be talked about.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Self Portrait and Portraits Part 1

1) Alter your perspective
2) Experiment with lighting
3) Shoot Candidly

I liked these photos because the bottom has a cool perspective. Also, the top I like the black and white also, the lighting in the background adds a lot. Both of pictures are like very real, and like sharp. 

I like both of these pictures because they are both in black and white and I think that adds a lot to the photos. Also, they both have so much emotion in them, like the bottom one she has tears coming down her cheeks.

These pictures were very simple but still looked very full of life. I really like the lighting on the bottom portrait, and is almost glowing. 

For my pictures I will want to pictures outside on like a bright day. Also, if I can find like cool simple background that will look cool, so it can be someone then leading lines in the background.  I will also want to take pictures of someone with like cool eyes because I think that adds a lot to the photos, like a cool touch to the photo. To make the shot successful, making sure the photo is focused will be a big deal, and making sure the lighting is good and there are no weird spots of dark places.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Rules of Photography II

Rule of Thirds

Balancing Elements

Leading Lines

Symmetry and Patterns





