Monday, April 24, 2017

Personal Essays

Part 1
1. One of the ideas it said you could write about was Opinion pieces. Which I like I would like the most to rite about, because you can literally write anything you want to write as long as its school appropriate. 
2. In the section about opinion essays, it gave you the tip to make connections. Which is important to keep the reader interested and not bored. 
 - Be passionate about your writing. 
- Add questions in your writing
- Use quotations

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Sports Portfolio Evalaution

Sam Adams
-bicycles- captured some unnecessary subjects in the photos, not close enough to the subject, subject was bland

-setting was nicely chosen, good lighting
-each photo told its own story, which made me really enjoy them all

 Nick Adam

 -Kids' and adults' unique moments. -Out of focus, same looking pictures, no story, too much cropping. -Where the eye moves throughout the picture, very journalistic. -I really like most of the pictures because they very interesting to view.

 Alyssa S.
 -people in their environment - shot from a distance, same lense, same feel. - contrast of colors, the emotions -She seemed fairly decent, i liked a few but most were kinda basic. 

2. Watch the winning portfolio critique (Dustin Snipes), and post the following:
a.  good color and composition, good subject choicesb.- I agreed with the judges in that they were full of color and interesting, but some of them were still poorly taken... out of focus, bad lighting..etc.

a) The judges spent quite some time choosing their pick, and became a very tough decision which I cannot imagine with all the incredible pieces of work that was entered.1) I agree with the judges on what they were saying about the photo of a diver in the warm up pool. There were really interesting shapes being created that were pleasing to the eye, as well as being able to get a view of the whole pool.2) I disagree with the judges on what they said about the photo of the girl with the punching bag. They stated that it wasn't a very good photo, but I thought it was a pretty great photo. In fact, I loved it. I liked the angles and the colorization of the photo.

Monday, April 17, 2017


Timeliness - the newness of the facts. 
Proximity – the nearness of a given event to your place of publication. Prominence – the “newsworthiness” of an individual, organization or placeImpact – the effect or consequence of an event on the audience. Conflict – the meeting of two or more opposing forces. These forces can be physical, emotional or philosophical.  Human Interest – the drama the surrounds people involved in an emotional struggle.Novelty – the attraction people have to unusual things and events.

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. C

1) Sunday, March 13, Queen Shei walks down the red carpet in Canada for her royalty. Queen Shei is from India and got the honor to walk down the carpet for her royalty in Indian.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Architecture Preview #2

1. Details

2. Light

3. Patterns

4. Angle and Shapes

5. Surroundings

Learning How to Interview #2

Assignment #2:

1. What grade are you in? I am in 9th grade.
2. Whats your name? My name is Sarah Warner.
3. Do you get good grades? In my opinion, I get the best grades I can get. 
4. Do you deserve this award?  I think I have worked hard this year. 
5. What did you do that you are earning this? I think just standing out in the school, volunteering when I can. 
6. What do you do in your free time? I like to read books, go on hikes and hang out with friends.
7. What do you want to be when you are older? I would like to be some type of engineer. 
8. Whats your favorite subject in school? My favorite subject is math and science. 
9. Who is your best friend? My best friend is susan. 
10. Who is your biggest role model in your life? My biggest role model in my life would probably be my mom. 
11. Do you have any pets? I have 2 dogs and a fish.
12. If you could be any animal which animal would you be? I would be a whale because they like rule the ocean. 
13. What was the best day of your life? The day I went to California with my family. 
14. Do you like going to school? Sometimes
15. Why do you think you were chosen for being the Student of the Month? Maybe because all the volunteering I have done and my good grades. Also, my teachers like me. 
16. Do you plan on going to college? Absolutely. 
17. What college, if so? I would like to go to UT.
18. What are some of your goals? I hope to finish school in the top 10% percentage. 
19. What in life is most important to you? My family. 
20. What advice would you give someone who is trying to be the Student of the Month? Try hard in school and help out in your community. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Learning How to Interview Part 1

Assignment #1:

Topic: School Uniforms

For this topic I would interview people who are obviously into fashion and voicing themselves in their clothing. Then I would ask people who might not be into clothing as much. To see the variety of students and their opinions. 

1. Parents
2. Students
3. School Staff

1. What type of rules do you think should go in place?
2. Do you agree with this?
3. What are your thoughts on this idea?
4. Would uniforms improve the learning environment?
5. Without uniforms in place, is it a distraction?
6. Would it mean less bullying?
7. Would kids fit in more?
8. Would there be less jealously?
9. Would would it benefit?
10. Would teachers have uniforms also? 
11. What problems would come with uniforms?
12. Do you think grades would improve?
13. Would you want boy uniforms and girl uniforms?
14. Do you think uniforms are directed to a certain sex?
15. Would you listen to the rules?
16. Do you like wearing what you want to school? 
17. How do you dress?
18. Do you think it would be hard to regulate what kids wear to school?
19. What are the pros of uniforms? 
20. What are the cons of uniforms?

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Sensory Overload

"I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.

1) When I read this quote I do think it is right, because nowadays the thing is all about our phones and if we have the latest and greatest. I agree with this because the social media world is huge and huge in todays world. Even though I don't feel like I am a huge photographer, I do think it would be important for when I am taking pictures to put in the aspect that it would be good to take pictures to really show people the beauty beyond our phones.

2) When I was looking at the website, I did feel the desire to go and visit. My first thought wouldn't be like "oh, I want to go take pictures!!" It would be more of that I want to go there and see what this place is about, and then I would be like, "oh, I should take pictures on my phone."

3) I think if my parent worked at that place, I might  be a little embarrassed just because it is pretty unique and some people might judge me for my parent working there. But then again, I wouldn't be that embarrassed because my parents would still be making the same money and paying bills from money they earned so thats how I would express my feelings towards if my parents worked there.

4) I think my favorite photo would be the first one. The one when you first get on the website you can see what looks like to be the whole store seems to look like. Also, I like this picture because there are lots of bright colors in it. Lots of blues, reds, yellows, and other fun/pretty colors that attracts the eye.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Architecture Preview #1

Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
1. Peter Cook2. 20033. It is located in Graz, Austria4. You can visit it5. It cost $50 million to build6. It was built as part of Capital of Culture celebrations in 20037. When I saw the photo for this building,m it really captured my eye because it just looked like an organelle or a blob made of jello or something. The fact that this was made as an actual place is really interesting.

Atomium, Belgium
1. André Waterkeyn
2. 19573. Brussels4. Public.5. A triangular piece about 2 meters (7 ft) long sold for €1,000.6. It was built for Expo 58.7. I chose this building because I don't know much about Belgium. This turned out to be different than I thought- I imagined a building, but this turned out to be a giant crystal structure shaped architecture. I chose this picture because the rest seemed to boring and this one made the structure pop out.

La Pedrera, Spain1. Antoni Gaudi 2. 19063. Barcelona4. Public5. no6. it was made s a house7. I chose this building because it was the first one on the list. I tend to pick that one because it is usually the best one since it is listed first. It also looked really cool on Eugene's computer when he was doing this.  

Turning Torso, Sweden1. Santiago Calatrava2. Construction began February 14th 20013. Located in Malmo, Sweden4. you can visit5. no info on cost6. To resemble a human spine twisting
7. When I saw that this building was supposed to resemble a humans 'turning torso', I had to learn more. It is really cool to see how actual humans and things inspire people to such things on a larger scale. 
Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
1. Szotyńscy & Zaleski2. 20043. Located in Sopot, Poland4. You can visit it5. No info on cost6. It was built in inspiration of Jan Marcin Szancer and Per Dahlberg fairytale drawings7. I picked this place because when I looked at the picture, it looked very twisted and illusion like. Then I started to think "how did they make everything on the inside right side up, but the whole exterior crooked?" I got really interested in how it was built so I chose it.