Monday, April 10, 2017

Learning How to Interview Part 1

Assignment #1:

Topic: School Uniforms

For this topic I would interview people who are obviously into fashion and voicing themselves in their clothing. Then I would ask people who might not be into clothing as much. To see the variety of students and their opinions. 

1. Parents
2. Students
3. School Staff

1. What type of rules do you think should go in place?
2. Do you agree with this?
3. What are your thoughts on this idea?
4. Would uniforms improve the learning environment?
5. Without uniforms in place, is it a distraction?
6. Would it mean less bullying?
7. Would kids fit in more?
8. Would there be less jealously?
9. Would would it benefit?
10. Would teachers have uniforms also? 
11. What problems would come with uniforms?
12. Do you think grades would improve?
13. Would you want boy uniforms and girl uniforms?
14. Do you think uniforms are directed to a certain sex?
15. Would you listen to the rules?
16. Do you like wearing what you want to school? 
17. How do you dress?
18. Do you think it would be hard to regulate what kids wear to school?
19. What are the pros of uniforms? 
20. What are the cons of uniforms?

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